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Bee Pollen Powder

Bee Pollen Powder


Bee pollen refers to the flower pollen that collects on the legs and bodies of worker bees. It can also include some nectar and bee saliva. Pollens come from many plants, so the contents of bee pollen can vary significantly. Don’t confuse bee pollen with bee venom, honey, or royal jelly.


People take bee pollen for nutrition; as an appetite stimulant; to improve stamina and athletic performance; and for premature aging, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), hay fever (allergic rhinitis), mouth sores, joint pain (rheumatism), painful urination, prostate conditions, and radiation sickness.


It is also used for weight loss, bleeding problems including coughing or vomitingblood, bloody diarrhea, nosebleed, brain hemorrhage, and menstrual problems.


Bee pollen is also used for gastrointestinal (GI) problems including constipation, diarrhea, enteritis, and colitis. Some people use bee pollen as a general tonic, to increase urine flow, and for alcohol intoxication.


Bee pollen is used topically for skin care in skin softening products, and for treating eczema, pimples, and diaper rash.


You may hear claims that bee pollen enzymes (chemical compounds that assist in chemical reactions) provide a variety of treatment benefits. However, any enzymes in bee pollen are likely to be digested in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. There is no reliable evidence indicating that bee pollen enzymes or other ingredients in bee pollen are effective as treatment.




Athletic performance. Research suggests that taking bee pollen supplements by mouth does not seem to increase athletic performance in athletes.


Premenstrual syndrome (PMS). Early research suggests that a specific combination product (Femal, Natumin Pharma) seems to decrease some symptoms of PMS including irritability, weight gain, and bloating when given over a period of 2 menstrual cycles. This product contains 6 mg of royal jelly, 36 mg of bee pollen extract, bee pollen, and 120 mg of pistil extract per tablet. It is given as 2 tablets twice daily.


Appetite stimulation.


Premature aging.


Hay fever.


Mouth sores.


Joint pain.


Painful urination.


Prostate conditions.




Menstrual problems.








Weight loss.


Other conditions.

Naturaline Co ., Ltd