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Other Common Names

Cistanche, Salty pulpy mushroom, Chinese broomrape

The taste is sweet and salty,main used for cure the illness of  Kidney, Large Intestine


Part Used and Form: Thick slices of the pulpy stem


Primary Functions: Tonifying the kidney, reinforcing yang, replenishing vital essence and blood, moistening the bowels



Cistanche is one of the more popular and more potent Yang tonic herbs and it is found in many formulas designed to strengthen sexual function, treat impotence and strengthen the back and knees. It is used not only in men’s sexual formulas but also in women’s, particularly to increase fertility.


It is widely reported, by men who have taken Cistanche for more than a few weeks, that when a man consumes Cistanche consistently for some time his sexual prowess will increase noticeably. The highly regarded tenth century imperial manual on health and sexual conduct, The Essence of Medical Prescriptions, compiled by a Chinese physician living in Japan by the name of Tamba Yasuyori, described numerous formulations which would enhance male potency. Cistanche was included in 80% of these formulas. The ancient classics indicate that Cistanche increases both the flow of Yang energy and blood flow to the genitals.


Youthfulness is very much associated with sexual vigor, whether or not one uses this sexual vigor sexually, or converts the energy to other creative outlets. When the Kidney Yin and Yang are strong, a person can flourish. They will be full of energy, high in spirit, creative and strong minded. They will appear radiantly healthy to others and will be attractive to the opposite sex.


Cistanche has a secondary benefit, in that it improves the function of the bowels, resulting in healthy bowel movements. This is a result of increased Qi in the Large Intestine.

Related products: Slice, powder, whole pulpy stem, Extract.

The Slice:

Naturaline Co ., Ltd